Monthly Archives: December 2014

Certificate III & IV Training

Cert3 photos_Eugene Chen_EMAIL


This year has been a great year for training. We had 15 Support professionals complete either their Certificate III and/or IV in the industry. Our JBC teams recently started a new group of 8 students for Certificate III in Aged Care and 3 students in Certificate IV in Aged Care or Disability.

We are looking to start a new group of students at the beginning of 2015 so look out for announcements for the starting dates!

Mobile Me UPDATE

Procura logo_EMAILMobile Me has been slowly rolled out over the past few months, with a lot of dedication from JBC’s Care Professionals and from the trainers. I am excited to report that we have now reached an enormous 60 Care Professionals on the App! Mobile Me_email

Thank you to everyone who participated, for your valuable involvement in trialling our new App – we could not have done it without your time, positive attitude and feedback. As a team, we continue to fine-tune the App and we are ironing out a few niggling issues. We trust that these will be resolved as soon as possible.

Message from Phillip

Hi everybody,

Phillip Behr_Director's Intro_EmailThe ‘silly season’ has arrived and Christmas is not far away. No doubt you are all under pressure with family and social commitments as well as working for JBC in the Eastern Suburbs, Inner West, St George or Sutherland regions.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for the commitment and effort you put into your work – and for the personal commitment you all make as JBC Care Professionals, to treat our clients with kindness and respect.

In 2014 we upgraded our JBC Intranet to better serve your work-related needs. We also had plenty of socials and training and plan to continue with more opportunities for everybody to come together at our events in 2015. I look forward to seeing you all in our offices on a regular basis.

Regardless of your faith, please enjoy the best that this time of year in Australia offers – great weather, food, socialising and travel and don’t forget to spread your joy and hope to our clients.

Have a great holiday period.


Healthy Living 101

Just Better Living Cover


Just Better Living Magazine is a social initiative with the goal of encouraging everyone, in whatever life situation they find themselves in, to be adventurous and live their best life possible. In this edition we pay particular attention to Healthy Living 101 on page 20. Click here to read more.

Pay and Timesheet cut-off dates

Important Note: Pay and Timesheet cut-off dates will change over Christmas

Submit on time so we can pay on time!


Pay Period Time sheet Cut-off Pay Date
17/12/14 (Wed) – 22/12/13(Mon)

6 days

23/12/14 Tue 3pm 25/12/2014 (Thur)
23/12/14 (Tue) – 29/12/14 (Mon)

7 days

30/12/13 Tue 3pm 01/01/2015 (Thur)
30/12/14 (Tue) – 06/01/15 (Tue)

8 days

07/01/14 Wed 3pm 09/01/2014 (Fri)


Back to Normal

07/01/15 (Wed) – 13/01/15 (Tue)

7 days

14/01/14 Wed 3pm 16/01/2014 (Fri)



Plan now to upgrade your skills in 2015

HR Corner_photo_EMAILThe end of the year is around the corner so let me take this opportunity to reflect plus introduce our new staff and update everybody on our plans for 2015.

Firstly, I am pleased to welcome the following office staff:

Rosie Lumello, Service Coordinator St George, Sutherland and Inner West;

Karren Osei, Service Coordinator, Eastern Suburbs; and

Adelle Rodregius, Communication Administrator.

I am looking forward to 2015 when we roll out a number of improvements and enhancements, namely:

  • Mobility Options will be up and running across the group;
  • The Training Calendar will be in place. Care Professionals can plan ahead their attendance at compulsory training topics using the calendar on the JBC Intranet;
  • Assessors will commence community observations and checks;
  • Dates for coming events will be posted on the JBC Intranet;
  • Next group of Certificate III and IV trainees will be ready for 2015.

We will run more Certificate III and IV training in 2015. Those who plan to upgrade skills and qualifications, please contact Marina to book in for an information session. A number of staff completed these courses in 2014 and they now have an industry qualification as a result.


Work, Health & Safety (WH&S)

It goes without saying – please stay safe at work, observe and do checklists and, above all, report hazards. Please log into the JBC Intranet and see our new format that allows Care Professionals to electronically report incidents, hazards and injuries. We also regularly update information and provide alerts that all JBC Care Professionals need to be aware of.

Finally, a big thank you to all Community Care Professionals for being so patient and helpful in moving over to the new server. I trust you are all now able to access your rosters and the JBC Intranet without problems. Please ensure you log onto the system each evening after 5.30pm to see any changes made to your roster for the following day.

Think smart before you start.

Your safety is always important to us. It is easy to rush from one job to the other without stopping to think about your own safety. Before the start of every shift, take a few minutes to think about the role you are about to perform. Always be aware of your surroundings and make sure you are properly dressed for your shift. Closed in shoes MUST always be worn.