Message From Phillip

Have you noticed that if you start the day with a smile, many good things just breeze your way?

And, on the other hand, if you start the day with a frown …

You get the feeling that nothing good ever comes along – or if it does you don’t even notice it?

Our professional carers support many people who make a conscious choice about what their day will be like each day and focus on getting the most out of it. They may have a disability or failing health but still manage to do things, even little things, to make their lives interesting and memorable.

We can all choose what we get out of each day. It is our responsibility to make our lives and the lives of those we come into contact with as happy and fulfilling as possible.

There’s much to smile about in this great country of ours. Especially in springtime, with colourful flowers, sunny days and cool evenings to lift spirits.

Let’s all make a special effort to start every day with a smile and sprinkle some happiness around.

Phillip Behr is Just Better Care’s Director: Eastern Suburbs, Inner West, St George and Sutherland branches.

Rebecca Emerson

Technology Assistant at your green VA

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